

Minas Basin Atlantic Sturgeon

Researchers at Acadia University conducted a survey of the Minas Basin Atlantic sturgeon population during the summer of 2012.  They estimated roughly 25,000 sturgeon were present between the sizes of 100-200 cm.  Using genetic analyses they determined the Minas Basin population was of mixed origin, with roughly 60% coming from a nearby river and over 30%  from populations... Read More

Pennsylvania Paddlefish

Dr. David Argent, Professor of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences from California University of Pennsylvania, holding a 38-pound paddlefish netted on the Allegheny River   For many decades, Paddlefish were extirpated from flowing waters of the upper Ohio River basin in western Pennsylvania, which comprised the eastern-most extent of their native range.  The Pennsylvania Fish and... Read More

Maine Trout Surveys

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife have been involved in an ongoing lake trout(togue) management study on Munsungan Lake in northern Maine. The fishery has been producing smaller sized togue that appear to be stockpiling. Maine fisheries biologists recently used radio telemetry to identify the trout spawning shoal in the lake which the department had... Read More